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Stand-Off Lettering for Archway Bookshop, Axminster Property Co.


Axminster Property is a trusted property developer operating in Axminster and the surrounding Devon area. They provide their clients with a wide range of properties available for immediate purchase. These properties include residential buildings, office developments, and retail spaces much like the upcoming Archway Bookshop.

Their aims are simple: to supply their customers with high-quality buildings, with premium interiors, situated in desirable locations.


It is well known in the area that Trinity House is the Trading Hub at the centre of Axminster Shopping. You can read all about the makeover and Trinity House's journey here.

Trinity House currently has a Lou La Belle ladies fashion boutique, the hugely popular Community Waffle House and newcomer The Crafty Hobbit. Set to be an exciting hum of activity this Winter, it was great to assist the Axminster Property Team once more with the inclusion of their next tenant - The Archway Bookshop in the high standard and hallmark approach of the other shops.


Fitted with iconic white Acrylic Stand-Off Lettering the typography was chosen to show off the recently remodeled Trinity House, and its timelessness in the Axminster Community. The locators filled to the rear of the letters allow for a seamless view of the letters, uninterrupted by screws and visible fixings.

We pride ourselves on the vast range of signage and styles we can produce for our clients, and it makes us smile a little wider when the greater Devon Community's eyes turn to our hometown.

Axminster Totally Locally commented: "Who could have dreamt when it closed as a department store in November (2020) that it would turn around so quickly and so beautifully. Great work."

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Posted by Samantha on October 19th 2021

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