Creative Solutions Direct

Advice for exhibitors: how to develop your sensory brand experience

The exhibition floor is a highly competitive place, where many companies working within similar industries vie for visitor attention. This makes first impressions very important, as visitors will often make snap judgements about display stands without even visiting them.

So, what can you do to ensure you make the best possible impression on exhibition visitors? How can you lure them in using the design of your display stand and your exhibiting approach?

The answer lies in appealing to the five senses to create a sensory brand experience that will not instantly be forgotten. You should focus on:

The visual

It is obviously important for your display stand to have aesthetic appeal, but you also need to think about what you wish to communicate to visitors. Don't overcrowd the display with branding, and think about the emotive effects of different colours.


In order to best communicate with visitors, you need to ensure you choose staff who know how to express your messages clearly, and how to use exactly the right tone to do so. You should also think about whether you want to exploit the energy and excitement of the surrounding noise on the show floor, or whether you want to create quieter, more tranquil spaces.

Aroma and taste

If you want to promote your company's innovative approach, making use of taste and smell to engage your visitors can be an excellent way to do it.


Visitors are often drawn to a particular display stand because of its ‘touchable' textures, so why not experiment with some different materials?


Posted on May 19th 2011

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