Large ACM Showroom Displays for Arada Stoves

Arada is a dynamic company at the cutting edge of technological and environmental change within the heating sector. Established in 1983, Arada (comprising the Aarrow, Hamlet, Villager, and Stratford brands) manufactures and distributes high quality wood burning and multi fuel stoves in UK and Europe.
Arada Stoves commisioned Creative Solutions to produce an eye-catching, durable and visually stimulating display to be shown across the South West at Arada’s various showrooms in Dorset, Somerset and Devon.
Flat panel aluminium composite material (ACM) boards were used due their adaptability and durability.
The boards can be wall-mounted or free standing, and provide a fantastic seamless graphic when placed alongside each other. They can be adapted to fit around square corners, and the durable ACM is easy to transport or move without damaging the graphics. Creative Solutions printed the graphics on site at our premises in Axminster, Devon using our wide format printers.
Our installation team then set up the display on site for Arada where required across their various premises throughout the South West.
The result was an ultra-high definition, durable display showcasing the Arada brand and products in a format that can be adapted to its surroundings.
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Posted by Rob on September 28th 2015