Display Solutions for Bands and Musicians

So you want to be famous? Is your dream to play all over the world at sell-out gigs, with groupies hanging round the stage door hoping for a meet and greet and photo? Well, even if you’re not heading for the dizzy heights of chart number ones and stadium stardom, if you’re a musician, a singer, or in a band, and you’re playing to an audience, you’re going to want them to know about you, the music you play, and the songs that you sing!
In order to do this, firstly you’re going to need to promote yourselves. This is where Creative Solutions can help you! Let’s think about the basics; some promotional flyers and posters are a good starting point, and still one of the most widely used advertising tools. They are ideal to get printed in large quantities, and are extremely cost-effective in reaching a high number of people to let them know what you’re all about, and where and when you will be performing.
If you’ve got merchandise to sell, why not capitalise on the fact that your captive audience are in attendance at the gig, and display the variety of merchandise available on portable banners, such as the ever popular roller banner stand, which can cost as little as £49.59 from Creative Solutions. These are also perfect for use next to the stage – ideal for advertising to the audience pre-performance, so as they can decide what they’re going to treat themselves to after the gig.
If you’re planning on touring, what better way to promote your name than on the vehicle you’re touring in! As you’re travelling from gig to gig, or even just as you’re driving around during your normal everyday routine, vehicle graphics – or livery as it’s known – is the perfect vehicle (pardon the pun) for getting your name recognised – and even your face if you’re always the one driving! Budget-wise, vehicle livery ranges from vinyl lettering and logos, through to the premium end of full vehicle wraps. If you’re using a van to transport all your instruments, sound equipment, electricals etc, then a whole vehicle wrap would totally transform it, and ensure you’re making a statement and getting noticed wherever you go. Even if your music isn’t making the right impression, your van certainly will be!

Posted on October 20th 2014