Creative Solutions Direct

ReadSmart® - For Copywriters


ReadSmart - For Copywriters


For 'Copy Heavy' Marketing Material Writing

For those of you who are producing what I call 'copy heavy' marketing materials i.e. brochures, leaflets, booklets, catalogues - either in print or on line, this will be of interest. And if you are a graphic designer or layout person doing the art work for clients producing any of the above, or you are a typography enthusiast, please investigate further.

I heard this technology being discussed on Radio4 recently... Read Smart have developed a system of subtle manipulation of typography which is designed to draw the attention of the reader to focus on particular areas of interest. 

Here is a little info from the Read Smart website. I would be really interested to hear your thoughts on this.

"ReadSmart technology is based on decades of peer-reviewed scientific research of our team of scientists and other scientists. The idea of improving text by manually emphasizing the phrases in text has been proven to help readers in many studies. ReadSmart technology analyses text and automates this way of formatting text within modern desktop publishing software. Although text transformed using ReadSmart technology looks similar to normal text, the subtle changes to word spacing, text size, and line endings improve reading comprehension by measurably improving eye movements.

Good readers naturally have long saccades (rapid eye movements) with few regressions (backtracking to reread). ReadSmart works by improving the eye movements of poor readers to be like those of good readers. Although ReadSmart benefits all readers, our research demonstrates that it helps poor readers the most and provides extra benefit in distracting contexts. In the busy information age, reading environments are rarely ideal.

ReadSmart technology improves legibility for the reader without distracting the reader or disrupting conventional appearance. The result is subtle: we use non-distracting micro-typographic alterations to the spacing and type to adjust the characters in a document. ReadSmart formatting is implemented differentially so that macro-typographic factors that affect readability are simultaneously improved as micro-typographic alterations improve legibility."

Go To ReadSmart Website

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Posted on January 27th 2011

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