External Notice Boards for Bridport Arts Centre
Founded in 1973, Bridport Arts Centre is a much-visited venue for a wide range of arts and cultural events in the South West. The Centre itself resides in a 19th-century, Grade II listed building in the heart of Bridport, Dorset— previously known as the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. The sprawling complex is home to the Marlow Theatre and the Allsop Gallery.
Among its numerous events, the Arts Centre hosts the Bridport Prize—an international creative writing competition. The winners of the award are announced at the Bridport Open Book Festival. The Centre also curates the From Page to Screen Festival, an annual film festival which celebrates literary adaptations.
The display cases and promotional A-boards outside the Bridport Arts Centre were in urgent need of updating, fixing and cleaning. They got in touch with Creative Solutions to see if we could come down to Bridport and lend an expert hand.
As well as making some repairs on the external notice board displays, the design team were asked to fabricate some high-quality images to print on the notice boards, detailing and advertising some upcoming events at the centre—including the Bridport Prize.
Our wide range of external notice boards are a superb method of advertising any number of shows, exhibitions and cultural events. Onto the sturdy, long-lasting boards, we can print any image or artwork in stunning high-definition and keep them protected in our range of lockable display units. The graphics will be shielded from the elements, and safeguarded from theft or vandalism, while being perfectly visible to the viewing public behind durable, shatterproof glazing.
The Arts Centre also wished us to update and mount new advertising panels on an external A-frame notice board and fix any structural issues it might have encountered over the years.
The Creative Solutions studio were supplied with a series of photographs by the client of various past and upcoming events at the Arts Centre. From these images, we were able to create a collage to print onto the notice boards.
We supplied the client with five blockout prints for the notice boards, finished with a high-quality matte laminated. The prints themselves measured 985 by 735mm.
The installation team traveled down the Bridport Arts Centre to carry out the next stage of the job. This included removing the existing glazing panels of the display unit, fixing the doors shut, cleaning all the boards and filling in the monitor hole. We were also tasked with repairing the existing A-board and mounting brand new panels.
The client was delighted with the results. For any arts centre, museum or gallery, it’s extremely beneficial that we are able to tackle all elements of a promotional brief such as this. Printing, installation, repairs, cleaning; we can provide a high-level service at every step of the way, from start to finish.

Posted on December 4th 2020