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Retail Signage for Bessi Mai's, Beer Devon


Rebrand a diner in Beer, Devon

We were approached by Vicky to rebrand her café and produce signage that would make it stand out. We met with the client to discuss ideas and it was quickly established a retro 1950s style was preferred. Our client came up with a new name, ‘Bessi Mae’s’, which we instantly loved - it had lots of branding potential.

We were asked to illustrate a few different designs and create a new logo. We went away to do this and were also asked to produce a custom-shaped ACM (Aluminium Composite Material) sign for the café. Another sign was required for the pavement at street level, so we recommended an eco-swinger pavement sign.


Expert brand work, graphic design and printing

We designed a new logo for the client in a 1950’s style and produced a beautiful selection of custom illustrations/ design work for the client to use. These were signed off very quickly and once we had everything we needed printing began.

The first sign was a custom build made from 3mm ACM and 0.3mm skin board. We printed graphics for the sign in full colour onto Metamark MD5A Digital White Gloss vinyl. The colours chosen were pastels with a stronger secondary colour to highlight features.

The second sign was an eco-swinger pavement sign. We printed the graphics onto MD5A vinyl and applied a matte laminate to make it easier to read.

We delivered the signs onsite and installed them within a few hours. The eco-swinger sign is a standalone unit, but the ACM sign had to be fixed to the wall. The café looks incredible and really stands out in the village of Beer, Devon. Vicky is delighted with her new look café.

To find out more about how we can help with your business signage, speak to our team on 01297 630130 or email us at

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Posted by Jedd on August 3rd 2018

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