Creative Solutions Direct

Shipping Container Vinyl Wrap for EnviroTech Energy Management


EnviroTech Energy Management is on the path to seek out and solve issues surrounding Renewable Energy; predominantly in the field of battery storage implementation and delivery in the UK and European energy sector.

Taking on an entrepreneurial approach, they talk to the grid operators, and investors for their projects, to implement better and more environmentally friendly ways to distribute renewable energy storage solutions.

Set for a UK energy revolution, EnviroTech has taken its project development experience in the UK energy market to structure a robust investment opportunity for the future of the energy operations sector.


EnviroTech Energy Management contacted us here at Creative Solutions for a revamp of a shipping container that had been made into an Energy Station for those at the site in Bridgewater. Worn out with older logos on the exterior, these were removed prior to our new work being installed.

Looking for a big, bold, and bright logo installation, proofs were designed and tweaked to make sure we were offering something very visually impactful, making sure it made the most out of the large 26foot blank canvas of the steel container! We can offer briefs and proofs in several ways. A really popular method is 3D imposing your artwork so you can see a true reflection of the finished product in its new home. You can see the accuracy this creates with the 3D Container imagery included below.

Wanting all three viewable faces to display artwork, a really healthy communication stream struck up passing design proofs back and forth till our client was content with the colour, size, coverage, and products. A 5-7year vinyl was approved to make sure it would stand the test of time and any environmental factors, as well as offer a full-colour large logo print.

Side Aspect
Preparation is key!
Completed Installation


Arriving early on a beautiful June morning, it was great to be able to install an outside vinyl wrap in the sunshine, viewable in its full glory. The job included the wrap of both ends of the container and the large 26foot face. Our Installations Team set to work prepping the container, making sure all workable faces were ready to receive the 7-year guarantee full-colour self-adhesive cut vinyl decals.

Working from left to right, each section was expertly applied over the textured face of metal, in and out of each peak and trough. Vinyl is an incredibly adaptive and versatile material. We boast its benefits often and use it in most of our solutions for internal and external jobs. With such a large range of application types, colours, finishes, and designs, your business or personal solution can be bespoke to whatever your need and design, or size!

Once the large orange logo pieces were installed, it was time to install the text pieces. With spirit-level accuracy, the vinyl was applied and perfectly spaced with the 'Energy Station' banner, website, and contact information.

We are really pleased with how this job turned out, and our client was equally enthralled with the container's facelift and new design. A very challenging and enriching job, this really shows off the skill and tradesmanship of our team. A great way to spend a day in the sun, we wish EnviroTech all the best with their energy endeavours, and hope to do business with them again in the future.

Our Design Team is able to provide you with a highly accurate Design Concept, rendered onto the site of application for you to view prior to installation to make sure you're completely happy. You can see this attached below, and the finished project above!

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Posted by Samantha on June 21st 2021

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