Creative Solutions Direct

Why branded plinths are a great idea

About Branded Plinths

Branded plinths are ideal for use as point-of-sale display stands, as portable exhibition furniture, or in window displays.

By choosing plinths of different heights and circumference, you can visually create interest and generate different levels of focus and points of interest in your display.

The plinths can be easily disassembled; they can be packed flat, so you can transport them really easily. The bear a load of up to 75kg, so, they are robust and sturdy; they can be used with confidence.

They come in three thermoformed finishes birch, silver or black, on to which customs printed branded graphic covers are applied. For the best graphics we recommend printing on 360Mic OpelJet film with a crystal laminate overlay, which adds extra protection, and increases the life of the plinth. It's also worth bearing in mind that discreet openings to run cables through can be cut out.

Here are some ideas of how you can use plinths at your next exhibition:
1. Display station where you present a new product: for high impact, remember to use great lighting to draw attention to the plinth.
2. With your ipad or laptop placed here it becomes an interactive or browsing station for prospective clients.
3. Create a dedicated customer VIP consultation space within your stand. The Plinth can be used as the meeting point. (It is much nicer to have somewhere to rest your cup of coffee while you chat!)

If you are interested in more product info. about plinths please click here.



Posted on March 29th 2012

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