Product Spotlight: Design and Associated Printed Materials

In one of our previous blogs, we have written about the design for print services Creative Solutions can provide, to ensure your printed materials make an impact and aid you in selling your product/publicising your event etc. There really is so much to consider when you’re deciding on the product and its design, that we thought we would write a bit more about your options!
Of course, not everything we print is a direct promotional tool such as a special offer flyer, or a brand awareness product such as vinyl vehicle graphics. Our print services are also used by businesses and the public to print literature such as wedding invitations, business cards and restaurant menus.
At first thought, you might not consider items such as printed menus to be promotional materials, but at Creative Solutions, having already worked on a number of restaurant menu designs for businesses across Devon and Dorset, we understand that any printed material – anything which represents your business in any way, will create an impression of your business to your customer. Not wanting to stereotype, it might just be a conscious decision to save on overheads, but a greasy spoon café might decide that a menu printed from a Word document on a home printer on to standard weight paper is fine for their business. But at Creative Solutions, we ask – what impression does this give to the customer?
If you own a five star hotel and restaurant, we expect you would want and in fact need, to create a more quality impression for your customer. This can certainly be achieved through the product you choose, its design, and its print quality and finish.
Again, there are so many options to choose from, such as the type of material you choose, the weight of the paper, the number of folds, and type of folds, if you want cut-outs or embossing, and of course the finish of the print – matt, silk, water-resistant, foil stamping and so on. As part of the design process, this is the part that can get really exciting in terms of how you embellish your product, so speak to us about the vast number of options available!
Posted on November 29th 2014